søndag den 23. oktober 2011

Deploy CRM List Component though PowerShell

as always I did a few searches on Google. Most hits just explained how to upload the WSP file and then call the AllowHtcExtn.ps1 script.

On blog did explain you could use Add-SPSolution and Install-SPSolution but that didn’t work for me.

$solution = Get-SPSolution crmlistcomponent.wsp
if(!$solution){ $solution = Add-SPSolution X:\SPS_2010_prov\listekomponent\en\crmlistcomponent.wsp }
-SPSolution -WebApplication "https://$webappurl" $solution -GACDeployment -Force

The solution didn’t show up in Solution Gallery inside SharePoint. And when I tested from CRM 2011 it kept complaining the List Component isn't installed.

I have just been to Microsoft Campus Days in Copenhagen ( kind of a “mini TechEd” ) and one of the session I was attending was about SharePoint Online and how Microsoft only allow Sandbox solutions, and then it hit me. Maybe the CRM list Component is a sandbox solution and needs to be deployed that way. We have a winner!

So we end up with

Write-Host "Starting Sharepoint User Code Service"
-o provisionservice -action start -servicetype Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPUserCodeService -servicename SPUserCodeV4

-Host "Install crmlistcomponent if needed"
$solution = Get-SPUserSolution crmlistcomponent.wsp -Site "https://$webappurl" -ea 0
$temp = Add-SPUserSolution X:\SPS_2010_prov\listekomponent\en\crmlistcomponent.wsp
$solution = Get-SPUserSolution crmlistcomponent.wsp -Site "https://$webappurl"

-Host "Active crmlistcomponent if needed"
if($solution.Status -ne 'Activated'){
$solution = Install-SPUserSolution $solution -Site "https://$webappurl"

-Host "Make sure .htc file name extension is an allowed file type"
$app = Get-SPWebApplication -Identity "https://$webappurl"
-Host "Adding .htc file name extension to the list of allowed file types."

1 kommentar:

  1. Hejsa "SkadeFro"

    Jeg har siddet og læst flere af dine indlæg på din blog, og fundet dem meget interessante.

    Nu ved jeg ikke hvor i landet du bor, men vi er nogle stykker, som leget med tanken om at starte en Powershell script klub (Nok primært i KBH området, da vi bor herovre)
    Er det noget du kunne tænke at deltage i ?

    Claus T Nielsen
    claustnspam 'SnabelA' gmail.com
