as always I did a few searches on Google. Most hits just explained how to upload the WSP file and then call the AllowHtcExtn.ps1 script.
On blog did explain you could use Add-SPSolution and Install-SPSolution but that didn’t work for me.
$solution = Get-SPSolution crmlistcomponent.wsp
if(!$solution){ $solution = Add-SPSolution X:\SPS_2010_prov\listekomponent\en\crmlistcomponent.wsp }
Install-SPSolution -WebApplication "https://$webappurl" $solution -GACDeployment -Force
The solution didn’t show up in Solution Gallery inside SharePoint. And when I tested from CRM 2011 it kept complaining the List Component isn't installed.
I have just been to Microsoft Campus Days in Copenhagen ( kind of a “mini TechEd” ) and one of the session I was attending was about SharePoint Online and how Microsoft only allow Sandbox solutions, and then it hit me. Maybe the CRM list Component is a sandbox solution and needs to be deployed that way. We have a winner!
So we end up with
Write-Host "Starting Sharepoint User Code Service"
stsadm -o provisionservice -action start -servicetype Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPUserCodeService -servicename SPUserCodeV4
Write-Host "Install crmlistcomponent if needed"
$solution = Get-SPUserSolution crmlistcomponent.wsp -Site "https://$webappurl" -ea 0
$temp = Add-SPUserSolution X:\SPS_2010_prov\listekomponent\en\crmlistcomponent.wsp
$solution = Get-SPUserSolution crmlistcomponent.wsp -Site "https://$webappurl"
Write-Host "Active crmlistcomponent if needed"
if($solution.Status -ne 'Activated'){
$solution = Install-SPUserSolution $solution -Site "https://$webappurl"
Write-Host "Make sure .htc file name extension is an allowed file type"
$app = Get-SPWebApplication -Identity "https://$webappurl"
Write-Host "Adding .htc file name extension to the list of allowed file types."
Hejsa "SkadeFro"
SvarSletJeg har siddet og læst flere af dine indlæg på din blog, og fundet dem meget interessante.
Nu ved jeg ikke hvor i landet du bor, men vi er nogle stykker, som leget med tanken om at starte en Powershell script klub (Nok primært i KBH området, da vi bor herovre)
Er det noget du kunne tænke at deltage i ?
Claus T Nielsen
claustnspam 'SnabelA'