lørdag den 7. maj 2011

A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client (wresult="<t:RequestSecurityTo...").

as follow up to last post. Once you drop your first class into App_Code you will encounter an error stating you cant have both VB and C# code in same directory. Fine, I never did like semicolon anyway, so I deleted WIFSampleRequestValidator.cs and removed

<httpRuntime requestValidationType="SampleRequestValidator"/>

from the system.web part of web.config. First time I try logging in I instantly get

A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client (wresult="<t:RequestSecurityTo...").

oh, so TTHAAATTSS what the ugly C# code did. Ah well, I added the above statement in web.config and added a new SampleRequestValidator class.

Imports System.Web.Util
Imports Microsoft.IdentityModel.Protocols.WSFederation

Public Class SampleRequestValidator
    Inherits RequestValidator

    Public Sub New()
    End Sub

    Protected Overloads Overrides Function IsValidRequestString(ByVal context As HttpContext, ByVal value As String, _
            ByVal ValidationSource As RequestValidationSource, _
            ByVal collectionKey As String, _
            ByRef validationFailureIndex As Integer) As Boolean
            validationFailureIndex = -1 ' Set a default value for the out parameter.

            ' This application does not use RawUrl directly so you can ignore the check.
            If ValidationSource = RequestValidationSource.RawUrl Then
                Return True
            End If

            If (ValidationSource = RequestValidationSource.Form) AndAlso _
                collectionKey.Equals(WSFederationConstants.Parameters.Result, StringComparison.Ordinal) Then

                Dim message As SignInResponseMessage = WSFederationMessage.CreateFromFormPost(context.Request)
                If message IsNot Nothing Then Return True
                Return MyBase.IsValidRequestString(context, value, ValidationSource, collectionKey, validationFailureIndex)
                ' All other HTTP input checks are left to the base ASP.NET implementation.
                Return MyBase.IsValidRequestString(context, value, ValidationSource, collectionKey, validationFailureIndex)
            End If
        Catch ex As Exception
            Return MyBase.IsValidRequestString(context, value, ValidationSource, collectionKey, validationFailureIndex)
        End Try
    End Function
End Class
Jesus, Microsoft really abandoned their visual basic fans in favor of the semicolon loving people, eh ?

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